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9to5mac.com - Mac news
ABC7.com - Los Angeles CA News
ABCNews.com - top stories
ACPInternist.org - Medical News
ACPOnline.org - ACP Internist Blog
Androidcentral.com - android news
Annals.org - Medical News
ArsTechnica.com - Tech News
BBC Health news (BBC.com)
BBC.com Arts and Ent
BBC.com Sports News
BBCNews.com - news
CarandDriver.com - car news
CleanTechnica.com - car news
CNBC.com - Financial News
Cnet.com tech news
CNN.com - ShowBiz news
CNN.com - top stories
CNN.com - world news
CNN.com Sports News
Dailymail.co.uk - News
Economist - Intl News
Edmunds.com - car news
Electrek.co - car news
Engadget.com tech news
Eonline.com - E! News
ESPN.com - sports news
FoxNews.com - National
FoxNews.com - World
FoxSports.com - Sports news
Gizmodo.com tech news
Hospitalist.org - Hospitalist news
Huffington Post (Huffpost.com)
iMore.com - apple news
Indianexpress.com - India News
IndiaToday.in - India News
InsideEVs.com - car news
Jalopnik.com - car news
JAMA.com - medical journal
Jwatch.org - Medical News
KTLA.com - News
LATimes.com - California News
LATimes.com - news
MacRumors.com - mac news
Medscape.com - medical news
MotorTrend.com - car news
Nature.com - Science News
NBA.com - Lakers News
NDTV.com - India news
NEJM Journal Watch
NEJM.com - medical news
News.Google.com - news
News18.com - India News
News24.com - news
NewYorker.com - News
NPR.org - news
NYPost.com - news
NYTimes.com - New York
OCRegister.com - news
PBS.org Frontline News
PE.com - News
Reuters.com (Google News)
Reuters.com - News All Regions
SacBee.com - Sacramento
SbSun.com - News
Science Daily (sciencedaily.com)
SFGate.com - Bay area news
SkyNews.com - World news
Statnews.com medical News
TechCrunch.com - tech news
TechRadar.com - tech news
Tesla.com - car news
TeslaMotorsClub.com - car news
Teslarati.com - car news
TheGuardian - world news
TheGuardian.com - news
Thelancet.com - Medical News
TheVerge.com - Tech news
TimesofIndia.com - Delhi
TimesofIndia.com - India
TimesofIndia.com - Mumbai
TimesofIndia.com - Top stories
USGS.gov - earthquakes 2.5+
WashingtonPost.com - news
WebMD.com - medical news
Wired.com - tech news
WSJ.com - news
Yahoo.com - news
Zeenews - India News